Hi, I’m DFYX! I run social.helios42.de, lemmy.helios42.de and plume.helios42.de where I share about programming, photography, foxes, swords and all around nerd stuff.
DFYX @dfyx@social.helios42.de
Software dev, photographer, hobbyist game dev, owner of helios42.de.
Banner by SR-JM: https://www.instagram.com/_sr_jm_greyscale_/
Folker @folkerschamel@mastodon.social
I love creating new software.
"All problems of humanity cannot be solved by another level of inaction" - (what David John Wheeler really meant)
Fargate @fargate@functional.cafe
Primarily lurking social media hermit with an interest (and presently a job) in Haskell.
Prone to occasional information outbursts about the current tabletop RPG in personal focus.
ffffennek @fennek@cyberplace.social
Mit dem für einen Fuchs üblichen Maß an Mut und Aufmerksamkeitsspanne ausgestattet. Oft dümmer als man annehmen würde.
| formerly @ffffennek@twitter.com | NickPic by Helen Haden CC BY-NC 2.0 https://flickr.com/photos/hellie5 |
Kévin @kevin@mmn.ca
Hello Internaute, I started writing things on the internet back when it was basically AOL, made a few little sites and then found #LiveJournal in #y2k. Been journalling, then blogging, and whatever we call it next. This is my server, these are my words, come and enjoy them #fedi22